Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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Baker – Akhiezer modules, Krichever sheaves, and commuting rings of partial differential operators

A. B. Zheglov, A. E. Mironov

2012, issue 1, P. 20–34

In this work we give a review of several results about commutative subrings of partial differential operators. We show that $n$-dimensional commutative ring of partial differential operators with scalar (not matrix) coefficients (with certain mild conditions) corresponds to a Baker – Akhiezer module on the spectral algebraic variety. We also show that there is a family of coherent torsion free sheaves of special type. The existence of such sheaves gives a strong restriction on the structure of the spectral variety, in particular, it is possible to find the selfintersection index of a divisor at infinity.

commuting partial differential operators, spectral varieties, Baker-Akhieser modules

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