Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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Diluted spin ice in an external magnetic field

A.A. Kuzin, A.A. Peretyatko, K.S. Soldatov, K.V. Nefedev

2017, issue 1, P. 59-81

The paper presents the research results of the effects arising under the effects of an external magnetic field in dilute plane and bulk spin-ice systems in the Ising spin model with the interaction of the nearest neighbors. We investigated systems of spins on the 2D triangular and kagome lattices, as well as the 3D pyrochlore lattice using the replica-exchange Monte Carlo method. In the absence of dilution, only two plateaus are observed, depending on the magnetization from the external field for all three types of lattices considered. The existence of five plateaus on the magnetization curves of the diluted antiferromagnetic Ising model in an external field [111] on a triangular lattice and a pyrochlore lattice is established. For the spin ice, seven plateaus were observed on the kagome lattice. It is shown that the reason for the occurrence of a plateau is related to the presence of critical fields for the realization of the most energetically favorable local spin configurations in dilute models.

Ising model, Metropolis method, replica exchange Monte Carlo, pyrochlore lattice, triangular lattice, kagome lattice

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